About me

Below are a few other things about me that you wouldn't know just by looking at my resume.
   What is the last new skill or new piece of technology or software you learned? When was that, and how did you go about learning it?

Recently I completed a PBS TeacherLine course on the fundamentals of becoming a virtual teacher. It really caused me to rethink the role of the virtual teacher in today's world. The class also helped to guide my creation of virtual training for teachers.


Describe a project or program that you have administered about which you feel proud.


I have worked very hard to find ways to bring the best parts of the outside world into my classroom. Two of the ways that I have been able to do that recently are through webconferencing with NASA and skyping with a soldier.


My kindergarten classes have used the NASA Digital Learning Network for three years now to set up a video conference with a NASA scientist. My students have had a chance to connect with the international space station and even watch as astronauts in training practiced getting out of a shuttle upside down in the water!


Sometimes patriotism and the idea of a veteran can be hard concepts to explain to kindergarteners. Recently we have started connecting with a deployed soldier on Veteran's Day. Both the children and adults have learned so much about the roles our military plays in helping others around the world. 



Have you shared something that you learned with a coworker today?

Yes! I love sharing new things with coworkers. Most recently I have been sharing a lot of the things that I find through my professional learning network with coworkers. I am really trying to encourage my teacher friends to create a PLN of their own.


If I were to visit your last school, how would the students, teachers and your supervisor describe you and what your job was?

One of my proudest moments as a teacher came when I returned to a school I had taught in years before and one of my former second grade students remembered me. Not only was he excited to see me, but he introduced me to his friends as "the teacher who read to me."

Kathryn Harrison
Kathryn Harrison