I am doing some online professional development as you do on a Saturday night as a teacher. I wanted to make some notes about the best ways for me to use the new tech tools that I am learning about and I thought I would just "think out loud" here. What better way to leave a digital footprint to showcase my learning?
The first tool that I really like is called a Flippity. It converts Google spreadsheets into different kinds of games. In a quick five minutes I was able to create a hangman game for my kindergarten class to review their sight words on the smartboard. My 8 year old son played with it for a few minutes and loved it!
When I heard about Kahoot, I instantly thought about using it my teacher training that I am presenting at VAECE in a couple of weeks. I think it could be a really fun way to get a survey of how the people in the class feel about the topic before we start and after! It might also be a fun way for me to present myself instead of doing the typical power point introduction.
I am learning a bit about Quizziz. I wonder if that is something I could use with my kindergarten children at home? Assign something for them to do at home and then get feedback? My only concern is that parents might "help out" too much at home.
The final tool I learned about is the Google photoscan. It is an app that you can download to scan your old paper photos. I think that this app will be super useful for my dad. I don't know about how I would use it in the classroom. However, the commercial for this tool is now my favorite! Check that out here.
Now to get "techy with it"!
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