Trauma Informed Teachers

When it comes to discussing childhood trauma in the classroom, there are a lot of things that you need to know. You need to know that ACE stands for "adverse childhood experiences". You need to know that nationally, 1 in 10 children have experienced three or more ACE's in their life so far. You need to know that are different types of trauma, from living in poverty to dealing with the death of a caregiver. You need to know that experiencing trauma can actually alter the way a child thinks and reacts to situations in the future.


This month I am leading a book discussion about the book The Trauma Sensitive Classroom. The idea for this class came about because I know of current situations where this training is needed. To be honest, I really feel that this training or something like it is vital for ALL teachers of any age. I feel so strongly, in fact, that if you sign up for my current newsletter you will find links to training opportunities that can be done for FREE. 


They say "Knowledge is power." In this situation, we could all stand to be more powerful when it comes to helping children in need.

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